Celebrating Old Vine Day 2024

Celebrating Old Vine Day 2024

It is Old Vine Day, a day to honour all the Certified Heritage Vineyards out there and the people who nurture them.

Launched by South Africa's very own Old Vine Project, Old Vine Day is an annual event celebrated by wine industry professionals and wine enthusiasts around the world every August 1st.

Why celebrate old vines? First of all, old vines are super impressive: They can live for well over 120 years. Plus, as the vines age, they produce fruit that is more concentrated, and of better quality – even though it's less fruit.

Join us in raising a glass to the heritage of vines that have stood the test of time!

Here's a list of the top 10 old vine wines on tastewine.co.za (in alphabetical order):

Top 10 Old Vine Wines on tastewine.co.za

  1. Allée Bleue Black Series Old Vine Pinotage 2021
  2. Bellingham The Bernard Series Old Vine Chenin Blanc 2022
  3. Bosman Optenhorst Chenin Blanc 2022
  4. David Finlayson Camino Africana Chenin Blanc 2022
  5. Delheim Edelspatz Noble Late Harvest 2021
  6. Ken Forrester Old Vine Reserve Chenin Blanc 2023
  7. Knorhoek Chenin Blanc 2021
  8. Kleine Zalze Family Reserve Chenin Blanc 2022
  9. Villiera Barrel Fermented Chenin Blanc 2022
  10. Van Loggerenberg Lötter Cinsaut 2023


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